Doctrinal Statement

These are only a summary of our doctrinal beliefs and not the sum. Contained here in these 14 articles are some of the more prominent beliefs intended to give a general overview. None of the individual articles are a complete representation of any particular doctrine. If you would like more information, please contact us.

I. We believe in the inspiration and authority of the Scriptures. The Bible (limited to the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments) is God’s unique revelation to humankind. It is inspired equally in all its parts: plenary inspiration. It is abundantly sufficient, inerrant, and relevant to all of life, as well as, being the only rule for faith and practice (Sola Scriptura). We believe in its historical record of the past (miracles, six 24-hr day creation, etc.) and its prophetic record of the future. The Scripture is not on trial as to its veracity; therefore, we hold to the consistent use of the historical-grammatical method of interpretation of all Scripture, including prophecy. We believe in the inspiration of the original Autographs. Preservation has to do with the transmission of the text through abundant manuscripts. Translations are the Word of God to the degree that they reproduce the original. We oppose “KJV-only-ism.”

II. We believe in One God, three distinct Persons, (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) who are Co-Existing, Co-Equal, Co-Eternal i.e. The Trinity (We reject Arianism, Modalistic Monarchianism, etc.)

III. We believe that the Second Person of the Trinity became man – added humanity to His eternal deity (John 1:1,14) – in order to reveal the Father (John 1:18), and to redeem humankind (John 1:29). We believe in His virgin birth, His sinless humanity, His sacrificial death, His bodily resurrection, and His ascension to the Father. He is now seated at the right hand of the Father, signifying the completion of His redemptive earthly work. He now makes intercession for believers (His redemptive heavenly work) while He awaits such a time, as decreed by the Father, when He will begin His retributive work (Psalm 2:5-12;110:1).

IV. We believe that Salvation is by Sovereign grace alone (Sola Gratia) through repentant faith alone (Sola Fide) on the basis of Christ’s redemptive work alone (Solus Christus) to the Glory of God alone (Solio Deo Gloria). Humans are justified (declared righteous) in God’s judicial sight by the imputation of Christ’s righteousness to their account.

V. We believe that all humans are redemptively accountable as the Scriptures consistently teach. We believe that God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked would repent (Ezekiel 18:23,32, etc.). Yet, we believe that God’s grace toward depraved sinners is not based on their initiative to seek Him, nor is it based on God’s anticipation of their response. We believe that God’s Sovereign Election is consistent with the whole of Scripture, as well as, His promises, character, impeccable justice, holiness, love, wisdom, etc. We oppose “Hyper-Calvinism.”

VI. We believe in Christ’s Propitiatory Atonement; His sacrificial death appeases the wrath of God against the believing sinner forever. We believe the purpose of the atonement is penal substitution. God may have been prompted to give His Son out of love, yet Christ did not die merely to show that love: He died to pay the penalty of sin. We believe Christ’s atonement to be sufficient for all of humanity, yet efficient for only those who believe: the elect. The fact that the believer is eternally forgiven through Christ’s atonement in no way mitigates the believer’s responsibility to confess personal sin. Christ’s blood continually cleanses temporally confessed sin of the believer (1 John 1:7-2:2).

VII. We believe that such only are real believers as endure unto the end; that their persevering attachment to Christ is the grand evidence which distinguishes them from superficial professors; that a special Providence watches over their welfare; and that they are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation (Ephesians 4:30; Philippians 1:6; 1 John 2:19, 6:37-41, 10:27-29; 1 Peter 1:5). Authentic believers gladly receive God’s Word and are distinguished from false professors on the evidence of their Faith (body of belief; do they have a Biblical Faith and worldview?). False professors will not endure sound doctrine (2 Timothy 4:1-4), nor will they receive Christo-centric and Apostolic teaching (1 John 4:6; Matthew 10:40). It is only those who receive Christ’s words: namely, His claims about Himself, and His authority, as well as, His claims of humankind’s nature, need, and destiny – that are assured His promise of eternal life (John 5:24). Authentic believers are also distinguished from false professors by their manner of life (1 John 1:6, 2:4-5, etc. ). In short, whatever an individual perseveres in is an evidence of one’s destiny.

VIII. We believe in the purity and unity of the Local Church (John 17:20-21; Ephesians 5:25-27). It is not God’s purpose to gather an assembly of unregenerate individuals espousing “any sort of faith in any old Jesus,” but a specific God-defined faith in the Biblical Jesus. It is not God’s purpose to gather an assembly of otherwise indifferent individuals who seek a Jesus who exists simply to make their world work, or meet their needs, or satisfy their curiosity (John 2:23-25, 6:25-27). It is also not God’s purpose to gather an assembly of individuals who ignore overt sin in their lives while they claim to be in league with Christ and His Church (1 Corinthians 5; Matthew 18:15-20, Galatians 6:1ff). Hence, it is not our goal to build this church at the cost of purity, whether doctrinal or moral. The Church is to receive only those in league with Christ as members. To warn disobedient believers and to excommunicate those living in overt sin, who refuse God-ordained correction, is necessary to maintain the unity and purity that Christ desires. We believe our obedience in this matter maintains Christ’s preeminence over His Church and His presence realized among His Church.

IX. We believe that Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to show forth in a solemn and beautiful emblem our faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savior with its effect in our death to sin and resurrection to a new life (Matthew 28:19; John 3:22-23; Acts 2:41-42, 8:36-39; Romans 6:4). We believe that the Lord’s Supper, in which the members of the church by sacred use of the bread and cup are to commemorate together the dying love of Christ, is to be preceded always with a solemn self-examination ( 1 Corinthians 11:26).

X. We believe in the imminent return of return of Christ for His Church prior to the Tribulation on earth (Revelation 3:10, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). We believe our timing of this event to be the proper understanding in view of the preponderance of evidence related to the matter.

XI. We believe that the world of the unregenerate awaits the judgments of the Tribulations as outlined in Revelation 6-19. These judgements are impending, said to come upon “all the earth dwellers,” sourced in Christ’s wrath and prerogative to judge (Psalm 2, 110:1; Isaiah 63:1ff, etc.). The Inception of this period of time begins with Christ opening the first seal (Revelation 6:1) and Antichrist rising to power, and continues to Christ’s second advent where He puts down Antichrist’s rule at the end of this 7-year period. These events are impending as to their inception but fulfilled in an intense chronological sequence of events that are timed in relation to each other. This period is for punishing the world, calling out a body of tribulation saints, both Jew and Gentile (Revelation 7:1ff), and for the establishment of Christ’s earthly kingdom. The Tribulation is not for punishing the church (body of believers) in our day who are repeatedly promised deliverance from this period of impending wrath. Although, in the context of the Tribulation, Satan’s wrath and man’s wrath will be evidenced, these are only instruments of God’s wrath: the Source of wrath. Hence, the whole Tribulation is sourced in God’s wrath, executed by Christ through cataclysms, earthly catastrophe, and by humans, Satanic agents, pawns, etc.

XII. We believe in the Millennial reign of Christ on the earth (Revelation 20:1-10). After Christ puts down all earthly rule (Satan and the kingdoms of this age: those enemies of Christ who thrive on earth now), He will sit upon the throne of His father David, fulfilling numerous Old and New Testament prophecies that require a literal fulfillment (Isaiah 2:1-4, 9:5-7; Luke 1:68-74; and many others). The Millennial kingdom will fulfill many prophecies requiring an earthly fulfillment that are yet unfulfilled, namely, aspects of the Abrahamic, Davidic, and New Covenants dealing with the full possession of the Land by Israel under their Messiah’s rule. This will also fulfill promises made by the Father to Christ as well as the restoration of the earth (Isaiah 11:6-9; Amos 9:11-15). We as resurrected saints will rule with Him over Israel and all nations (Ezekiel 37:21-28; Daniel 7:17-22; Revelation 19:11-16). The promised kingdom forfeited by Israel in the past will be received by a regenerate remnant of Israel in the future (Romans 11:25-29). 
At the end of this period of time, Satan will be released temporarily to deceive the nations: Christ will defeat them. The Great White Throne judgment will occur; Satan will be cast into the lake of fire as well as the unregenerate dead.

XIII. Following the Millennial Kingdom will begin the eternal state. This universe will be destroyed and the new heavens and a new earth will appear “wherein dwells righteousness” (2 Peter 3:13). Having fulfilled His redemptive mission, Christ will deliver up the kingdom to God the Father (1 Corinthians 15:23-28), and, in all aspects, the Triune God will rule eternally.

XIV. We believe in the everlasting, conscious blessing (absolute fellowship with the Father) of those who are saved (1 Corinthians 2:9). We believe in the everlasting, conscious punishment of the lost in hell (absolute alienation from the Father; Mark 9:42-48; Luke 16:19-31; 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9; Revelation 14:9-11, 20:10,15).